Template:Infobox firmware

From PS3 Developer wiki
Revision as of 09:27, 26 June 2013 by Euss (talk | contribs)
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firmware info
Release information
Version 0123456789
Releasedate 1 January 1970
Firmware hashes
HMAC-SHA1 hmacsha1sha1sha1sha1sha1sha1value
SHA1 sha1sha1sha1sha1sha1sha1value
MD5 md5md5md5md5md5value
CRC32 crc32value
CRC16 crc16value
[links] [linksgalore]

This template is for inclusion on all firmware pages


As seen on this page

{{infobox firmware
| name        = firmware info
| version     = 0123456789
| releasedate = 1 January 1970
| hmacsha1    = hmacsha1sha1sha1sha1sha1sha1value
| sha1        = sha1sha1sha1sha1sha1sha1value
| md5         = md5md5md5md5md5value
| crc32       = crc32value
| crc16       = crc16value
| download1   = [links] [linksgalore]
| download2   = 
| download3   = 