Card Adapter

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PlayStation Card Adapter with a PSOne/PS2 card

PlayStation Card Adapter - CECHZM1/SCPH-98042 - maincomponentside

PlayStation Card Adapter - CECHZM1/SCPH-98042 - back
Memory Card Adaptor box design

PlayStation Card Adapter

CECHZM1 (SCPH-98042)


  • FW related : 1.80 (FW min compatibility)
  • On lower FW, You cannot copy saves back to a physical Memory Card. You can copy them between PS3 internal virtual memory cards, but not back to a physical PSone or PS2 card (but possible on 3.55).
  • On lower FW, You cannot explore your PSone or PS2 card and copy over specific game saves, but you can delete saves, once the card has been copied over to the hard drive (but possible on 3.55).
  • The adaptor will not work with cards that have more than 8MB of storage space.
  • Can be used with HUB USB (need to insist sometime) and with not only official memory card.
  • PocketStation can be connected and recognized by the PS3.
  • Mountpoint : dev_MCA ( from Memory card utility PS/PS2).
  • 200 mA
  • Program Memory : 64KB (64K x 8) - Flash (2211UFP24V H8S/2211 for CECHZM1 j )

Free MC boot install with PS3 Memory Card Adapter (CECHZM1)

  • You can now install FMCB from a PC to MC with these MC-Adapters!
  • You can sign MC-KELFs to your MCs directly from PC!
  • You can make multi-region-installs!
  • The FMCB1.8c-Loader finally includes the V0-Kernel-Fix for those old SCPH-1x000-Consoles (this gives users of those old models the ability to run a few homebrew-apps, which were previously incompatible to those versions)!

We recently found a new way to install FMCB with the PlayStation3 Memory Card Adaptor (CECHZM1) connected to your PC. Since this device is somewhat cheap, it could be a good alternate way for those who don't have access to an already hacked PS2. The method consist of a command line software and using set of commands (or scripts) in order to install the FMBC hack properly. It also has the advantage to do a multi region/models installation. One restriction is that the software doesn't work with Datel's MC (mainly related with setting a proper termination code for communications) and maybe with some other brands, however it was tested successfully with official 8MB Memory Cards and with some crappy Chinese clones too. Currently the FMCB loader being installed is v1.8c which contain an important kernel fix for the 10K. The util to allow to communicate and sign the file for the MC was made by me and "someone who wants to stay anonymous". Note that without this anonymous contributor it would have been impossible to achieve it. git repository:


This simple mod (adding Led) also works with PS1 Memory Card plugged into the Memory Card Adaptor or the Memory Card Adaptor itself:

Video s comment:

you need 32 guage insulated wire and 3mm LED (does not matter what color...) and you drill the hole 
(without the chip inside to avoid damage) 2 - 3mm  from the left side on the outward edge.

Official PS2 Memory Card pins are numbered (8: negative & 5: positive), official PS1 Memory Card hole for the led can be more centered.

Sony Documentation
