Talk:VSH Exports
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Exports (2428)
Export NID | Notes | Usage |
0xC99EE313 | sceNpUtilBandwidthTestAbort | |
0xC2CED2B7 | sceNpUtilBandwidthTestInitStart | |
0x8C760B52 | sceNpUtilCmpOnlineId | |
0xD208F91D | sceNpUtilCmpNpId | |
0x6CB81EB2 | sceNpCommerceDestroyProductCategory | |
0x2BE41ECE | sceNpCommerceGetNumOfChildCategory | |
0xAF57D9C9 | sceNpCommerceGetCurrencyDecimals | |
0xAEE8CF71 | sceNpCommerceGetCategoryId | |
0x359642A6 | sceNpCommerceGetCategoryDescription | |
0x39A69619 | sceNpCommerceGetSkuId | |
0xEE530059 | sceNpCommerceGetSkuName | |
0xA85A4951 | sceNpCommerceGetSkuDescription | |
0x78D7F9AD | sceNpCommerceGetSkuPrice | |
0xEB9DF054 | sceNpCommerceGetCategoryInfo | |
0x7208DC08 | sceNpCommerceGetNumOfChildProductSku |
Needs ported to main page
Export NID | Notes | Usage |
0x1906CE6B | jstrnchk | |
0xD990858B | BIG5stoUTF8s | |
0xD02EF83D | GB18030stoUTF8s | |
0x5A4AB223 | MSJISstoUTF8s | |
0x33435818 | SJISstoUTF8s | |
0x6122E000 | SJIStoUTF8 | |
0x714A9B4A | UCS2stoUTF16s | |
0x5B684DFB | UCS2toBIG5 | |
0x596DF41C | UCS2toSJIS | |
0x5E1D9330 | UHCstoUTF8s | |
0x317AB7C2 | UTF16toUTF8 | |
0x5CD29270 | UTF8stoEUCKRs | |
0xDA67B37F | UTF8stoSBCSs | |
0xFDBF6AC5 | UTF8stoUCS2s | |
0xEB3DC670 | UTF8toSJIS | |
0xBEFE3869 | isSjisKigou | |
0x24FD32A9 | sjishan2zen | |
0xBDB10C87 | cellGcmGetCurrentBuffer | |
0xC6EB8B40 | cellGcmCgInitProgram | |
0x3099B063 | _cellGcmFunc17 | |
0x527C6439 | cellGcmTerminate | |
0x63387071 | cellGcmGetLastFlipTime | |
0xDC09357E | cellGcmSetFlip | |
0xBD6D60D9 | cellGcmSetInvalidateTile | |
0xD0B1D189 | cellGcmSetTile | |
0x4524CCCD | cellGcmBindTile | |
0x5A41C10F | cellGcmGetTimeStamp | |
0xA547ADDE | cellGcmGetControlRegister | |
0x21AC3697 | cellGcmAddressToOffset | |
0xDB23E867 | cellGcmUnmapIoAddress | |
0xE315A0B2 | cellGcmGetConfiguration | |
0x6EDEA9E | cellGcmSetUserHandler | |
0x1F173C4 | cellGcmSetReferenceCommand | |
0x84D310D3 | cellGcmSetCallCommand | |
0xA1BFE761 | cellGcmSetTimeStamp | |
0x17427A25 | cellGcmSetWaitLabel | |
0xFDC00061 | cellGcmSetWriteBackEndLabel | |
0x57D3FF62 | cellGcmSetInvalidateZcull | |
0xC450FEA6 | cellGcmSetBlendColor | |
0x18049621 | cellGcmSetBlendFunc | |
0xA719DFA3 | cellGcmSetClearColor | |
0xA10EDAE9 | cellGcmSetColorMask | |
0x76CA1B53 | cellGcmSetCullFace | |
0x476A66AD | cellGcmSetDepthMask | |
0xCDD7A1C | cellGcmSetLineWidth | |
0x4D5FAA76 | cellGcmSetLineStippleEnable | |
0xF644E687 | cellGcmSetLogicOp | |
0xD2610322 | cellGcmSetPolygonStippleEnable | |
0xB9ECE4C8 | cellGcmSetBackPolygonMode | |
0xA1ECA254 | cellGcmSetShadeMode | |
0x9CF7908C | cellGcmSetBackStencilFunc | |
0x2ED72466 | cellGcmSetBackStencilMask | |
0xBF6F72CE | cellGcmSetBackStencilOp | |
0x4EDCDBF7 | cellGcmSetBlendEnable | |
0x7739AB40 | cellGcmSetLogicOpEnable | |
0x792D30AA | cellGcmSetDepthBoundsTestEnable | |
0x2F96E40A | cellGcmSetDitherEnable | |
0x77F5413F | cellGcmSetTwoSidedStencilTestEnable | |
0xCECEC6BC | cellGcmSetRestartIndexEnable | |
0xAD46EA38 | cellGcmSetInvalidateTextureCache | |
0x77F2A468 | cellGcmSetTextureFilter | |
0x875FFBCB | cellGcmSetTextureControl | |
0xCFB527B | cellGcmSetRestartIndex | |
0x246CA27F | cellGcmSetVertexAttribInputMask | |
0xCA517C10 | cellGcmSetUserClipPlaneControl | |
0x5CD3CE2A | cellGcmSetZpassPixelCountEnable | |
0xBF0D62FD | cellGcmSetReport | |
0x8BDE5EBF | cellGcmSetUserCommand | |
0x66BB5FFB | cellGcmSetPointSize | |
0xA1F43AD5 | cellGcmSetViewport | |
0x64E1269D | cellGcmSetVertexDataArray | |
0x8E52EBC7 | cellGcmSetFragmentProgram | |
0xCFC2C3ED | cellGcmSetTexture | |
0x708A9A5D | cellGcmSetTransferImage | |
0x4DF84707 | cellGcmSetConvertSwizzleFormat | |
0x5C1E2BCA | cellGcmSetDrawIndexArray | |
0x284F0041 | cellGcmSetVertexData4f | |
0xD8E7C747 | cellGcmSetVertexProgram | |
0xFB60931F | cellGcmSetVertexProgramParameterBlock | |
0x91A4EF0A | cellGcmInlineTransfer | |
0xA95951FC | cellGcmFinish | |
0xA566693D | cellGcmCgGetNamedParameter | |
0x722032CB | cellGcmCgGetIndexParameter | |
0xF514EDF3 | cellGcmCgGetParameterResource | |
0x45440B57 | cellGcmCgGetParameterResourceIndex | |
0x3037CEE8 | cellGcmCgGetParameterOrdinalNumber | |
0x95ED21D8 | cellGcmCgGetParameterSemantic | |
0x75327302 | cellGcmCgGetInstructions | |
0x843BBC85 | cellGcmCgGetRegisterCount | |
0x1CEA187 | cellGcmCgGetAttribOutputMask | |
0x5C4F805 | cellGcmWriteGlobalLabel | |
0xB88738E3 | cellGcmSysSetIdSys | |
0x33CD8C2F | cellGcmSysSetTextureContext | |
0x76EC624A | cellGcmFlipBoth | |
0x7A0A83C4 | cellFontInitLibraryFreeTypeWithRevision | |
0xD08B68DA | FTCacheStream_CacheEnd | |
0xDA0FB37E | FTFaceH_FontStyleName | |
0x73209D59 | FTFaceH_GetRenderScalePoint | |
0x8F7AEA15 | FTFaceH_GetRenderBufferSize | |
0x5F214E0 | FTFaceH_GetMaxVerticalAdvance | |
0x529AFC47 | FTFaceH_SetRenderScalePoint | |
0x38750386 | FTCacheStream_Init | |
0xA4F73351 | FTFaceH_GetBoundingBoxMinY | |
0x4B478CDD | FTFaceH_GetAscender | |
0xE5282470 | FTFaceH_GetMaxHorizontalAdvance | |
0x8DFABC0A | FTCacheStream_CacheInit | |
0x65E27CB3 | FTFaceH_GetGlyphImage | |
0xD632BCBF | FTManager_Done_FreeType | |
0xFCC91A83 | FTManager_OpenFileFace | |
0xDFA003EA | FTCacheBuffer_Init | |
0xF03DCC29 | cellFontInitializeWithRevision | |
0x21EBB248 | cellFontDestroyRenderer | |
0x70F3E728 | cellFontSetScalePoint | |
0x25253FE4 | cellFontSetEffectWeight | |
0x66A23100 | cellFontBindRenderer | |
0x227E1E3C | cellFontSetupRenderScalePixel | |
0x90B9465E | cellFontRenderSurfaceInit | |
0x3897F229 | cellFontControl | |
0x1387C45C | cellFontGetHorizontalLayout | |
0xD8EAEE9F | cellFontGetCharGlyphMetrics | |
0x7AB47F7E | cellFontEnd | |
0x29329541 | cellFontOpenFontInstance | |
0x34BAB2E1 | cellFontsetGetCompositeCodes | |
0x38E8695C | FT_MulFix | |
0x7EA2C657 | FT_Set_Transform | |
0x89FB856E | FT_Get_Sfnt_Table | |
0xA4E6C423 | FT_Select_Charmap | |
0x4B4CBF7A | FT_Outline_Embolden | |
0x1CEDF8D0 | FT_Done_Face | |
0xB229E6BF | FT_Load_Glyph | |
0x1BFBE848 | FT_New_Memory_Face | |
0x13268E21 | FT_Bitmap_New | |
0x1AEB33A5 | FT_Bitmap_Embolden | |
0xDB615095 | FT_Done_Glyph | |
0x4B573039 | FT_Get_Glyph | |
0xB499D895 | FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap | |
0x85A969B6 | FT_Init_FreeType | |
0x5D7BDBEA | cellCryptoPuRsaep512 | |
0x5AE48E7 | cellCryptoPuRsaep2048 | |
0xE3A101E0 | cellCryptoPuRsadp1024CRT | |
0xE69544B6 | cellCryptoPuRsasp1512CRT | |
0xF409024E | cellCryptoPuRsasp12048CRT | |
0xB369C9E3 | cellCryptoPuRsavp11024 | |
0x19109EC7 | cellCryptoPuRsaesPkcs1v15Enc512 | |
0xEDCDED77 | cellCryptoPuRsaesPkcs1v15Enc2048 | |
0xEF9CE7C7 | cellCryptoPuRsassaPkcs1v15Verify1024 | |
0xFE9A658C | cellCryptoPuRegPrngFunc | |
0x417988E | cellCryptoPuUmpn2Char | |
0xCF03F47A | cellPadConfigAssignPortID | |
0x5161DDBD | cellPadConfigInit | |
0x70CB170C | cellKbConfigSetArrangement | |
0x650A537E | cellKbConfigAssignPortID | |
0xF6D0878 | cellKbConfigInit | |
0x2D3B4E2B | cellMouseConfigReleasePortID | |
0x8A2E5730 | cellMouseConfigEnd | |
0x84E4A0A0 | cellHidReleaseOwnership | |
0xB85E0B0D | cellHidGetOwnership | |
0xBAC90F2 | cellAvsetDisableEvent | |
0x3F9DC158 | cellAvsetSetPortOption | |
0x990D6A8D | cellAvsetAudioCPControl | |
0x2E09D1C4 | cellAvsetSetMacrovisionCode | |
0xDAF887EA | cellAvsetSetCCCodeMulti | |
0x677BC574 | cellAvsetGetHDMIKSVListSize | |
0xB5877BBF | cellAvsetGetMonitorInformation | |
0x16AA3407 | cellAvsetSetVideoPitch | |
0xEE14B155 | cellAvsetResistEventCallback | |
0x98146E83 | cellAvsetSetAudioInactive | |
0xE508B17 | cellAvsetSetAudioUBInfo | |
0x5C306D39 | cellAvsetSetAudioMute | |
0xFA45245D | cellAvsetSetRouteAndColor | |
0xEB4716D4 | cellAvsetSetVideoMute | |
0x9E445E9F | cellAvsetEnd | |
0xFC096B9E | cellCryptoPuAesEncKeySet | |
0xBEFAD0E2 | cellCryptoPuAesEncrypt | |
0x7B79B6C5 | cellCryptoPuAesCbcCfb128Encrypt | |
0x68B630D5 | cellCryptoPuAesOmac1Mode | |
0x831E89EE | cellCryptoPuSha1Transform | |
0x547B602C | cellCryptoPuSha1HmacInit | |
0x300B99F2 | cellCryptoPuSha1HmacFinal | |
0x74A2A1FE | cellCryptoPuSha1Hmac | |
0x3C579B2B | cellCryptoPuTdesEncKeySet | |
0xBFC29929 | cellCryptoPuTdesFunction | |
0x1A706BAF | cellCryptoPuTdesCbcCfb64Decrypt | |
0x5D87C513 | cellCryptoPuSha256Transform | |
0xC7781115 | cellCryptoPuSha256Hash | |
0x54E5064 | cellCryptoPuEccEcDsaGen | |
0x8CA59B74 | cellCryptoPuEccEcDh1 | |
0xC8365EE7 | cellCryptoPuEccMod |
needs ported to main page