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CEX2DEX - pro versus con


Function 3.55 3.56 3.60+ Remarks
Using the features of a debug console Yes Yes Yes To effectively use features, need to use SDK related files, e.g. TargetManager etc
Using FSELFs Yes Yes Yes To create fselfs, you must have the decrypted binairy first
Downgrading Yes Yes Yes Restricted to minver of that SKU/type (either metldr minver locked, or because of drivers - same limitations as Retail/CEX, but without hardware flasher)


Function 3.55 3.56 3.60+ Remarks
Retail Functionality : BD-Movies No
(see 3.55)
(Disabled for that Target ID)
Retail Functionality : DVD-Movies No
(see 3.55)
(Disabled for that Target ID)
Retail Functionality : PS Store No
(see 3.55)
(Disabled for that Target ID)
(only when patched/spoofed to Retail AND passphrase is available)
(see 3.55)
(Server Whitelisting and nondebug IDPS fail)
More Stress to the console Yes Yes Yes Using TargetManager/Debugger increases memoryload, also heats up RSX more (there are known CECHA/CECHC that gotten YLOD after few weeks of usage, and behaved normally when converted back to Retail/CEX)
Backups (via Manager) : <=3.56 keyed Yes
(same as Retail, would need lv1.self : mmap114 and lv2.self : peek/poke patches + Manager with DEX detection/payload)
(see 3.55)
Backups (via Manager) : >=3.60 keyed No
(same as Retail)
(see 3.55)
Backups (using ps3gen/bdemu) : <=3.56 keyed Yes Yes
(see 3.55)
Yes ?
Backups (using ps3gen/bdemu) : >=3.60 keyed No No No
OtherOS++ : Linux/BSD Yes
(same as Retail, need patches)
(No one ported OtherOS++ MFW tasks to 3.56 yet, if someone does, see 3.55)
Firmware availability Yes Yes No
(latest public is 4.11)
Getting firmwares will always be a handicap, as they are not openly distributed/announced like Retail, only on SCEDevnet
Easily detectable and banned Yes Yes Yes
HDCP off No No No Hardware limitations in the HDMI out chip (OTP ?) prevent from switching hdcp off even by forcing the setting
Burned Master Discs No No No Hardware limitations in the Drive Id's (OTP not set to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) prevent from using burned ps3 and ps2 masterdiscs (they are recognized as data discs), this is a check performed by the drive's firmware.

Note about 3.56 : would need to use custom generated keys for signing, as the random fail is fixed since that version, thus no private keys can be acquired with Scekrit).

Alternative method of writing back flash (jaicrab / bad idea)

Put these, including your target NOR file, named rflash.bin on a stick

Either use PSgrade/JIG and let the lv2diag.self be executed by lv1.self automaticly, or use MultiMAN self loader
Will take a LONG time (35 minutes) until console stops blinking and shutdown with red led.

EID correctness

  [8/31/2011 1:41:13 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: the information on the PS3 dev wiki was intentionally faulty
  [8/31/2011 1:41:15 AM] qqqqq: Use the creativity or fail to find it.
  [8/31/2011 1:41:34 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: so people can't use the 'knowledge'
  [8/31/2011 1:41:43 AM] qqqqq: xxxxxx, uuuu has done a very good job at fixing what IS wrong. If you saw something wrong, why didn't you ask uuuu about it to fix it?
  [8/31/2011 1:41:55 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: that's not what guys like rrrrrrr have told me
  [8/31/2011 1:41:58 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: it's intentionally faulty
  [8/31/2011 1:42:03 AM] qqqqq: Instead you left it  how it was and bitched about it.
  [8/31/2011 1:42:07 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: to prevent any meaningful extraction of keys
  [8/31/2011 1:42:11 AM] qqqqq: If it was fault again talk to uuuu
  [8/31/2011 1:42:24 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: no - uuuu could not have even known about it
  [8/31/2011 1:42:28 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: it was something only a kkkk could know
  [8/31/2011 1:42:45 AM] qqqqq: You'd be surprised what uuuu knows. he really is a walking encyclopedia of the ps3.
  [8/31/2011 1:42:48 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: that wiki is compromised with purposeful misinformation
  [8/31/2011 1:42:59 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: and that's what rrrrrrr actually said and thinks
  [8/31/2011 1:43:17 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: I'm talking about ps3 dev wiki BTW here
  [8/31/2011 1:43:25 AM] qqqqq: if it's providing false info, then why not make a site to provide the right info? *gasps*
  [8/31/2011 1:43:34 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: well he did make the suggestion
  [8/31/2011 1:43:38 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: but it didn't go over well with these people
  [8/31/2011 1:43:45 AM] yyyyyyyy: kkkk wasn't the only one with cex-dex shit
  [8/31/2011 1:43:50 AM] yyyyyyyy: hell he's not even the one who wrote it
  [8/31/2011 1:44:01 AM] yyyyyyyy: so you can stfu about that
  [8/31/2011 1:44:09 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: hell do I know who the fuck wrote CEX-DEX
  [8/31/2011 1:44:27 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: all I know is that there are a bunch of connivant shits that want a wiki intentionally 'disinfoed' like that
  [8/31/2011 1:44:35 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: people in the know
  [8/31/2011 1:44:49 AM] yyyyyyyy: and one conniving shit here trying to save his hide
  [8/31/2011 1:44:57 AM] qqqqq: xxxxxx, again as i said. If there was false info (Which uuuu would never do) Why not fix it
  [8/31/2011 1:45:21 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: go ask rrrrrrr - I dunno
  [8/31/2011 1:45:26 AM] qqqqq: DO you think he purposesly makes changes so that it's wrong? That'd create an even bigger headache if a noob attempted it and bugged us in the chat
  [8/31/2011 1:45:32 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: the EID/CEX-DEX info was incomplete
  [8/31/2011 1:45:33 AM] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: faulty


Neither the FSELF Control Flag nor the Debug Support Flag is changed, nevertheless, no functions of the DEX firmware are restricted, it behaves like a original one. Sony could just add checks in the upcoming DEX firmwares and patch this CEX -> DEX conversion method.