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[glevand@arch dump_ata_keys]$ ./dump_ata_keys ../dump_ata_keys.self ../eid4
spuisofs found at /mnt
arg1 kernel virtual address d000000000722000
shadow: spe_execution_status 7
priv2: puint_mb_R 2
shadow: spe_execution_status b
problem: spu_status_R 6660082
[glevand@arch dump_ata_keys]$ hexdump -C /mnt/arg1
Here are your ATA tweak and data XTS keys
Data key is at offset 0x0 (32 bytes)
Tweak key is at offset 0x40 (32 bytes)

=Dumping ENCDEC Keys=
=Dumping ENCDEC Keys=

Revision as of 06:59, 15 August 2012


  • The following information was reverse enginered from LV1, Storage Manager in LPAR1 and sb_iso_spu_module.self.

HDD Encryption

  • XTS-AES-128 is used to encrypt all data on PS3 HDD.
  • VFLASH is encrypted twice. First with ENCDEC keys and then with ATA keys.

Dumping ATA Keys


My SPU program to dump ATA tweak and data XTS keys to PPU memory with spuisofs:

 * Dump ATA keys
 * Copyright (C) 2012 glevand <[email protected]>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.



	ila		$2, 0x3dfa0
	lr		$sp, $2

	ila		$80, 0x3e000
	lr		$81, $3

	stqd		$7, 0($80)	# store upper 16bytes of ATA data key
	stqd		$8, 0x10($80)	# store lower 16bytes of ATA data key
	stqd		$9, 0x20($80)
	stqd		$10, 0x30($80)
	stqd		$11, 0x40($80)	# store upper 16bytes of ATA tweak key
	stqd		$12, 0x50($80)	# store lower 16bytes of ATA tweak key

	lr		$3, $80
	lr		$4, $81
	il		$5, 0x60
	il		$6, 0x7
	il		$7, 0x20
	brsl		$lr, 0x10	# mfc_dma_xfer

	il		$3, 0x7
	brsl		$lr, 0x28	# mfc_dma_wait

	stop		0x666		# our evil stop code :)

 * r3 - LSA
 * r4 - EA
 * r5 - size
 * r6 - tag
 * r7 - cmd

	wrch		$ch16, $3
	wrch		$ch17, $4
	shlqbyi		$4, $4, 4
	wrch		$ch18, $4
	wrch		$ch19, $5
	wrch		$ch20, $6
	wrch		$ch21, $7

	bi		$lr

 * r3 - tag

	il		$2, 0
	nop		$127
	hbra		2f, 1f
	wrch		$ch23, $2


	rchcnt		$2, $ch23
	ceqi		$2, $2, 1
	nop		$127
	nop		$127
	nop		$127
	nop		$127
	nop		$127


	brz		$2, 1b
	hbr		3f, $lr
	rdch		$2, $ch24
	il		$2, 1
	shl		$2, $2, $3
	wrch		$ch22, $2
	il		$2, 2
	wrch		$ch23, $2
	rdch		$2, $ch24
	nop		$127


	bi		$lr


[glevand@arch dump_ata_keys]$ ./dump_ata_keys ../dump_ata_keys.self ../eid4
spuisofs found at /mnt
arg1 kernel virtual address d000000000722000
shadow: spe_execution_status 7
priv2: puint_mb_R 2
shadow: spe_execution_status b
problem: spu_status_R 6660082
[glevand@arch dump_ata_keys]$ hexdump -C /mnt/arg1 
Here are your ATA tweak and data XTS keys
Data key is at offset 0x0 (32 bytes)
Tweak key is at offset 0x40 (32 bytes)

Dumping ENCDEC Keys



Communication with ENCDEC Device