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*EID0_key could also be obtained with '''EID_root_key''' directly in the following manners:
*EID0_key could also be obtained with '''EID_root_key''' directly in the following manners:
**knowing the algorithm (located in isoldr)and applying it to the EID_root_key
**knowing the algorithm (located in isoldr) and applying it to the EID_root_key
**leting isoldr apply that algorithm directly in anergistic
**leting isoldr apply that algorithm directly in anergistic
***the process is exactly as the one above (modifing anergistic to feed isoldr with EID_root_key
***the process is exactly as the one above (modifing anergistic to feed isoldr with EID_root_key

Revision as of 06:19, 27 October 2011


  • metldr is decrypted with this key
  • bootldr is decrypted with this key
  • might be obtained with per_console_root_key_1? (largely speculative, not nec. true - need more looked into, only based on the behavior of the other derivatives known to be obtained through AES)

per_console_root_key_1 / EID_root_key

  • derived from per_console_key_0
  • stored inside metldr
  • copied to sector 0 by metldr
  • cleared by isoldr
  • Used to decrypt part of the EID
  • Used to derive further keys (per_console_key_0 is not the key which will be derived, but is the key which has derived per_console_key_1)
  • can be obtained with a modified isoldr that dumps it
  • can be obtained with a derivation of this key going backwards

Obtaining It

Launch the patched isoldr with your prefered method, let it be Option 1, or Option 2...

Option 1 - Dumper Kernel Module

  • modify glevands spp_verifier_direct to dump the mbox to wherever_you_want and then (use the payload below as an example)
  • the example code on how to dump the mbox can be found on 'Option 2 -Dumper Payload' below
insmod ./spp_verifier_direct.ko
cat metldr > /proc/spp_verifier_direct/metldr
cat dump_eid_root_key.self > /proc/spp_verifier_direct/isoldr
echo 1 > /proc/spp_verifier_direct/run
cat /proc/spp_verifier_direct/debug
cat /proc/spp_verifier_direct/wherever_you_want

Option 2 - Dumper Payload

  • patched isoldr to dump it



  • What this selfs do is dump your ISOLATED SPU LS through your mbox, so you only need a way to cach this info with PPU code in lv2 enviroment aka a dongle payload or linux kernel
  • This has been tested and proven to work on 3.55 MFW
  • In the dump the remaining dump is the metldr clear code. metldr clears itself and all the registers an jumps to isoldr.
  • Overwritting that code lets you dump your key + metldr
  • Consider that per_console_key_1 and per_console_key_n are in fact still in need decryption.
  • per_console_key_0 particularly needs to be dumped once revived from per_console_key_1.

per_console_root_key_2 / EID0_key

  • this key can be obtained through AES from EID_root_key
  • EID can be partially decrypted by setting this key in anergistics and fireing aim_spu_module.self
  • Load aim_spu_module.self + EID0 + EID0_key in anegistics = decrypted EID0
  • This code is to decrypt your EID0 on your PC
    • The prerequisites are:
      • dump your EID0 from your ps3 and save it in the same folder as EID0
      • dump your EID0_key from your ps3 and put it on the code above where the key is needed
      • load all of them in anergistic
  • EID0_key could also be obtained with EID_root_key directly in the following manners:
    • knowing the algorithm (located in isoldr) and applying it to the EID_root_key
    • leting isoldr apply that algorithm directly in anergistic
      • the process is exactly as the one above (modifing anergistic to feed isoldr with EID_root_key

Obtaining It

  • patched aim_spu_module to dump it



These are further derivations of the per_console_key_1/EID_root_key
