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=Objects used to build menues=
See the "paf" [[VSH Exports]], [https://www.psx-place.com/threads/custom-xai_plugin-source.12455/page-3#post-356203 psx-place talk], and [https://github.com/TheRouletteBoi/VirtualShell/blob/main/include/vsh/paf.hpp paf.hpp]
Probably shares some attributes and follows an strict hierarchy of parent/children:

The goal of this table is to replace the unnoficial rcomage names by the official codenames. The official codenames are used in the VSH export functions (in text format) but inside the RCO internal file structure this names in text format doesnt exists, instead of text strings the RCO structure only stores the ID in hexadecimal format based on the [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|RCO TOC entry types]]<br>
Rcomage uses a file named tagmap.ini intended to convert the ID (hex) value by the name (text string) when is extracting the RCO contents, and back from text to hex when compiling an RCO

A bit of background story... rcomage was made by zinga burga for PSP, at that time he had to figure the names by looking at other related text strings, he used the exact codename only in few of them, and he invented other unnofficial names based on educated guesses, but there are many innacurate names and a few unknowns<br>
*Superbrainstorming based on smoke
At the initial steps of rcomage development zinga burga realized that it was posible to extract the info inside the RCO structure as an XML format (this is something sony made on purpose), but inside the RCO files there is not any XML. This is when zinga burga coined the term "RCOXML Objects" because rcomage is representing the RCO contents in XML format (and this wiki respected the term), but in the names of the VSH export function are named '''WidgetType''', in other words, we could say the table below is a list of '''Widgets''' ordered by his '''Type'''<br>
what about this ?, matches prety fine with how are grouped. Main menu separated because is an special object created specifically for top XMB menu, and the others grouped in pairs for "list" and "item". Also matches how are ordered in rcomage. All this attributes appears consecutivelly in groups of two, at top... XMList and XList... then MList MItem... then ObjUnknown0xB and XItem... then LList and LItem... then IList and IItem. Note how XMList doesnt seems to have an XMItem
At some point kakaroto and geohot updated rcomage source code to add support for PS3 (they had to change the endianess and added definitions for a few RCOXML objects only supported by PS3 that was breaking the output) but maybe there are new objects specific for PS3 over ID 0x081F. Anyway, so far rcomage supports up to ID 0x081F (32 objects)

**It seems the items ('''XItem''' 0x080C, '''MItem''' 0x080A, '''LItem''' 0x0814, '''IItem''' 0x0818) doesnt have VSH exports because are terminal objects located at bottom of the hierarchy (are always the children of a parent "list")
**The codename "Prim" seems to be inherited from PSX->PSP->PS3 and seems to be a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_primitive geometric primitive]. In the PSX XMB the options availables for it was: type="rect", type="line", type="outline". It seems to be used to draw lines, frames, etc...
ObjUnknown0xB <------ is XMItem ?

If this is true and ObjUnknown0xB is actually XMItem it seems is posible to deduce the attributes because the other "item" objects uses pretty similar attributes (usually 3 attributes, either images or texts), to verify it are needed some/lot of tests by copying the attributes from the other items and creating a 100% custom object for the experiment also a good understanding of all the other rcoxml code, so is hard to know, im not skilled/brave to build this frankenstein but i think the theory is good enought--[[User:Sandungas|Sandungas]] ([[User talk:Sandungas|talk]]) 08:16, 8 December 2015 (UTC)
<div style="float:left;">
{| class="wikitable" style="line-height:1em; font-size:1em"
! rowspan="2" | [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! colspan="2" | Name !! colspan="2" | paf [[VSH Exports#paf|VSH Exports]] !! rowspan="2" | Notes
! <abbr title="and name in wiki by now, at some point could be changed">RCOmage</abbr> !! Official !! NID !! Sample
| colspan="6" style="text-align:center; background:#ddd" | Supported by {{icon content psp|50px}} and {{icon content ps3|50px}}
| 0x0800 || {{cellcolors|#d53}} ObjectTree || ? || ? || ? ||
| 0x0801 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} Page || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Scene''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x41BBFE5E || paf::Ph'''Scene'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0802 || {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Plane || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Plane''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x10DEDCC7 || paf::Ph'''Plane'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0803 || {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Button || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Button''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x24A5BD6B || paf::Ph'''Button'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0804 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} XMenu || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''XmBar''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x703117AD || paf::Ph'''XmBar'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0805 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} XMList || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''XmList''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x4FF7B8A9 || paf::Ph'''XmList'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0806 || {{cellcolors|#d53}} XList || XmItem ? || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xC84FD77B ? || paf::Ph'''XmItem'''::WidgetType(void) ? ||
| 0x0807 || {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Progress || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Progress''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xE801C345 || paf::Ph'''Progress'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0808 || {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Scroll || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Scroll''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x009207F4 || paf::Ph'''Scroll'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0809 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} MList || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''MenuList''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xA98865F8 || paf::Ph'''MenuList'''::WidgetType(void) || The parent of MenuItem 0x080A
| 0x080A || {{cellcolors|#f93}} MItem || MenuItem ? || ? || ? || The children of MenuList 0x0809
| 0x080B || {{cellcolors|#d53}} ObjUnknown0xB || ? || ? || ? || The parent of XItem 0x080C ?
| 0x080C || {{cellcolors|#d53}} XItem || ? || ? || ? || The children of ObjUnknown0xB 0x080B ?
| 0x080D || {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Text || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Text''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xB7DFCE90 || paf::Ph'''Text'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x080E || {{cellcolors|#d53}} ModelObject || Model ? || ? || ? || This is intended to load a (3D model) [https://www.ifcaro.net/qhimm/index.php/PSP/GMO_Format .GMO] file for the PSP wave
| 0x080F || {{cellcolors|#d53}} Spin || ItemSpin ? || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x4C36ABBB ? || paf::Ph'''ItemSpin'''::WidgetType(void) ? || In the VSH exports page is mentioned the codename "PhSpin" but is missing the generic paf::PhSpin::WidgetType(void)
| 0x0810 || {{cellcolors|#d53}} Action || ? || ? || ? ||
| 0x0811 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} ItemSpin || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''NumSpin''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x59A11C82 || paf::Ph'''NumSpin'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0812 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} Group || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Widget''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x546B3D02 || paf::Ph'''Widget'''::WidgetType(void)
| 0x0813 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} LList || List || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xD64EDE7C || paf::Ph'''List'''::WidgetType(void) || The parent of Item 0x0814
| 0x0814 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} LItem || Item ? || ? || ? || The children of List 0x0813
| 0x0815 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} Edit || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''IPAddr''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x3806365F || paf::Ph'''IPAddr'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0816 || {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Clock || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''Clock''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x545D47A2 || paf::Ph'''Clock'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x0817 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} IList || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''InfoList''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xF7630798 || paf::Ph'''InfoList'''::WidgetType(void) || The parent of InfoItem 0x0818
| 0x0818 || {{cellcolors|#f93}} IItem || InfoItem ? || ? || ? || The children of InfoList 0x0817
| 0x0819 || {{cellcolors|#d53}} Icon || ? || ? || ? || Terminal object, same specific attributes than all the other "items". The difference with standard "items" is "icon" have standard attributes (but the standard "items" doesnt)
| 0x081A || {{cellcolors|#d53}} UButton || ? || ? || ? || This is an improved version of '''Button''' 0x0803
| colspan="6" style="text-align:center; background:#ddd" | Supported by {{icon content ps3|50px}} only
| 0x081B || {{cellcolors|#d53}} ObjUnknown0x1B || ? || ? || ? ||
| 0x081C || {{cellcolors|#f93}} CheckBoxGroup || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''CheckBoxList''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0x90F4F801 || paf::Ph'''CheckBoxList'''::WidgetType(void) || The parent of CheckBox 0x081D<br>This is an improved version of '''MenuList''' 0x0809
| 0x081D || {{cellcolors|#f93}} CheckboxItem || CheckBox || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xBF66BF2D || paf::Ph'''CheckBox'''::WidgetType(void) || The children of CheckBoxList 0x081C
| 0x081E || {{cellcolors|#f93}} Meter || {{cellcolors|#79d}} '''LevelMeter''' || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xC88CA4B2 || paf::Ph'''LevelMeter'''::WidgetType(void) ||
| 0x081F || {{cellcolors|#f93}} EditBox || LabelText || style="font-family:monospace" | 0xDDD4ACF6 || paf::Ph'''LabelText'''::WidgetType(void) || This is an improved version of '''Text''' 0x080D

=Links, notes, etc...=
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:small"
Elements and attributes to be used in RCOmageXML
!rowspan="5" | Color legend:
! {{cellcolors|#79d}} Blue
| The official codename has been identifyed 100%
! {{cellcolors|#8e8}} Green
| The name in rcomage matches with the official codename
! {{cellcolors|#f93}} Orange
| The name in rcomage doesnt matches with the official codename, but has been identifyed (this are the easy ones)
! {{cellcolors|#d53}} Red
| The name in rcomage doesnt matches with the official codename, and is doubtfull which is the correct name
</div></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>

*Other VSH export candidates:
rcomage xml
**paf::Ph'''LabelPrimDiv'''::PhLabelPrimDiv(paf::PhWidget *, paf::PhAppear *)
**paf::Ph'''Camera'''::PhCamera(paf::PhWidget *, paf::PhAppear *)

*Spins confussion
*[http://pastebin.com/Cgm8TMep|blaw jap wiki translations talks]
**The object 0x0811 (named "ItemSpin" in RCOmage) is officially codenamed "PhNumSpin" (the name was swapped), but the object 0x080F (named "Spin" in RCOmage) has not been identifyed yet, probably is officially codenamed "PhItemSpin". Additionally there is another codename for '''PhSpin''' that is a bit confusing by now. Is not clear yet if there are 2 or 3 spin objects
**The object named '''Spin''' by rcomage has been found in official firmware using event names with the word "ispin" (a short form of "ItemSpin"):
***object2:lftv_page212_group000_'''ispin'''000 <--- this is loading another "object" so the name '''ispin''' belongs to the other object
***object2:lftv_page212_group000_'''ispin'''001 <--- this is loading another "object" so the name '''ispin''' belongs to the other object
**In the VSH exports page there are 3 exports that returns names related with spins (but one of the returned strings seems to be wrong)
***const char* paf_4C36ABBB() <-- returns "PhItemSpin" (_ZN3paf10PhItemSpin10WidgetTypeEv)
***const char* paf_CA9160F6() <-- returns "PhNumSpin" (_ZNK3paf9PhNumSpin13GetWidgetTypeEv)
***const char* paf_59A11C82() <-- returns "PhNumSpin" (_ZN3paf9PhNumSpin10WidgetTypeEv)

*Other related VSH exports
**PAF_Resource_DOMGetNodeID returns the widget name (ie: "page_game_config")
==WIKI links spiderweb==
**PAF_Resource_DOMGetNodeType returns the widget type (ie: 0x801)
All the info in front page related with "units conversions", "measure units" or "event types" from other pages has been moved here, but at some point needs to be converted to templates because is needed for [[RCOXML Objects]], [[RCOXML Animations]], one option is what i was trying to do before that is moving it to [[RCOXML Structure]] but now i prefer to keep that page only for XML coding (is a bit empty by now but is needed to fill it with basic examples and explain of how the xml tags are linked or connected)

==Menu lists and menu items associations==
Actually, the "event types" are the responsibles of triggering "actions" of the .sprx module associated (and the .sprx has hardcoded the events allowed by the .rco) so it could be interesting to display this template in some of the .sprx wiki pages with a short explain of what are the "events" and his "types"
There are 6 groups of list/item associated with each other that was given consecutive IDs in hexadecimal. The fact that was given consecutive IDs means each group of list/item was implemented at the same time because requires each other (an "item" requires a parent "list", and a "list" without children "items" doesnt makes sense)

*The "items" '''doesnt''' have the 21 [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]], '''only''' have 3 specific attributes (usually a ref/text/image). This is an easy way to identify them, by the abscense of the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]]
Some interesting details: This same method of triggering "actions" from the .rco by using "events" works the same with the embedded [[VSMX]] file (but none of the .rco used on PS3 includes an VSMX file, this format is from PSP days but is supposed to work on PS3). By looking at the code of an .rco you can find some "events" used but by looking at the .sprx sometimes there are secret/unused events

*The "lists" '''does''' have the 21 [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]], followed by a variable number of specific attributes. All the lists (except 0x0804 and 0x0806) seems to use specific override attributes intended to adjust them dinamically for the different screen resolutions supported by PS3, see: [[XMB Layouts]].
I been updating and cleaning up other pages to centralize a bit the mess in the pages related mostly with the info about how "override" attributes works, sorry for the confussion and all the movements of info but is because i wrote a lot before when most of it was research (like all related with the changelog of custom_render_plugin.rco) or speculations, later when i understood it i tryed to write a detailed explain (but is dirty and not short enought) and there is still a bit of "unknown" left (the purpose of the "factor" files from the "XMB Layouts", and last 2 bytes of the values stored as "overrides", proably are related). All this has been moved to [[XMB Layouts]], i think the extended explain of how "overrides" works needs to be written there, but is needed a mention here in [[RCOXML Objects]]

*The consecutive ID's is a handy way to identify them, it means there is an "item" ID next to each "list" ID (or the other way around, there is a "list" ID next to each "item" ID)
<!--roxanne placeholder-->
{| class="wikitable" style="line-height:1em; font-size:1em"
! [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! RCOmage name !! Displayed as !! Notes
| 0x0804 || XMenu || XMB Main Menu, horizontal list placeholder || rowspan="3" | Main XMB
| 0x0805 || XMList || XMB Main Menu, horizontal list item
| 0x0806 || XList || XMB Main Menu, vertical list placeholder
| colspan="4" style="border-left:hidden; border-right:hidden; padding:10px" |
! [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! RCOmage name !! Displayed as !! Notes
| 0x0809 || MList || Context Menu, vertical list placeholder ||rowspan="2" | Menu at right side of the screen<br>enabled by pressing triangle over a game/app icon
| 0x080A || MItem || Context Menu, vertical list item
| colspan="4" style="border-left:hidden; border-right:hidden; padding:10px" |
! [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! RCOmage name !! Displayed as !! Notes
| 0x080B || ObjUnknown0xB || rowspan="2" | ? || rowspan="2" | 0x080B is the "List"<br>0x080C is the "Item"
| 0x080C || XItem
| colspan="4" style="border-left:hidden; border-right:hidden; padding:10px" |
! [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! RCOmage name !! Displayed as !! Notes
| 0x0813 || LList || Editable Menu, horizontal list placeholder || rowspan="2" | Used in network settings
| 0x0814 || LItem || Editable Menu, horizontal list item
| colspan="4" style="border-left:hidden; border-right:hidden; padding:10px" |
! [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! RCOmage name !! Displayed as !! Notes
| 0x0817 || IList || Information Menu, vertical list placeholder || rowspan="2" | Used in audio file info
| 0x0818 || IItem || Information Menu, vertical list item
| colspan="4" style="border-left:hidden; border-right:hidden; padding:10px" |
! [[Template:RCO TOC entry types|NodeType]] !! RCOmage name !! Displayed as !! Notes
| 0x081C || CheckboxGroup || Checkbox Menu, horizontal list placeholder || rowspan="2" | Used in poweroff screen
| 0x081D || CheckboxItem || Checkbox Menu, horizontal list item
==ItemsCount or ItemNum attribute from list objects==
The first specific attribute of the list objects (in other words, the attribute in position 22, located inmediatly after the 21 [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]]) indicates how many chidren there are in the list. In RCOmage this attribute is named "ItemsCount" but it seems the codename is "ItemNum", this VSH exports are used to change the value dinamically to hide/show the items from a list:
*<strike>paf::Ph'''XmBar'''::SetItemNum(int)</strike> not mentioned in [[VSH Exports#paf|VSH Exports]] page
*<strike>paf::Ph'''MenuList'''::SetItemNum(int)</strike> not mentioned in [[VSH Exports#paf|VSH Exports]] page
**<strike>paf::Ph'''InfoList'''::Redraw(void)</strike> not mentioned in [[VSH Exports#paf|VSH Exports]] page
*<strike>paf::Ph'''CheckBoxList'''::SetItemNum(int)</strike> not mentioned in [[VSH Exports#paf|VSH Exports]] page
=Objects with additional override attributes=
The override attributes are intended to adjust the position and size of the objects dinamically for the different screen resolutions supported by PS3, see: [[XMB Layouts]]<br>
Most of the objects definitions starts with the 21 [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]] that includes 6 overrides (''positionOverrideX, positionOverrideY, positionOverrideZ, sizeOverrideX, sizeOverrideY, sizeOverrideZ'')<br>
But there are a few objects with additional overrides, all this additional overrides (different than 6 overrides from the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]]) are unknown, seems to be related with font sizes, linespaces or stuff that requires an individual visual adjustment
*List objects
**'''MenuList''' 0x0809 and '''CheckboxList''' 0x081C
***6 overrides from the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]] + 3 specific override atributes (override something size XYZ ?)
**'''List''' 0x0813
***6 overrides from the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]] + 2 specific override atributes (override something size XY ?)
**'''InfoList''' 0x0817
***6 overrides from the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]] + 1 specific override atribute (override something size X ?)
*Text objects
**'''Text''' 0x080D and '''LabelText''' 0x081F
***6 overrides from the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]] + 3 specific override atributes (override something size XYZ ?)
*Other objects
**'''LevelMeter''' 0x081E
***6 overrides from the [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]] + 1 specific override atribute (override something size X ?)
The object named ObjUnknown0xB by RCOmage (ID 0x80B) seems to be a list (the parent of ID 0x80C). If this speculation is true it means it should start with the 21 [[Template:RCO_TOC_Objects_standard_attributes|standard attributes]], the attribute number 22 should indicate how many children it have (attribute name "ItemsCount" in RCOmage, or "ItemNum" in official code), followed by some unknown attributes (similar than the other list objects), and the last attributes should be [[Template:RCO_TOC_reference_types|events]], as example: <code><Name attribute="event:native:/OnFocusIn"/></code>
=Rcomage unknown object attributes=
*See: [[Talk:Rcomage#objattribdef-ps3.ini]]
At the time of documenting the RCO format for wiki it was posible to identify some/lot of unknown attributes, in the link there are a few of them listed as dirty notes (later was identifyed some more that are not included in the link). At this point there is no need for that dirty notes because the new names of the identifyed attributes was used in the tables in wiki, the dirty notes are just kept to have a record of the changes, and liked here because are very related with this page (needs to be cleaned up together with this talk page)
=Some textures using attribute names=
The names of some images indicates the attribute names of some RCOXML objects
<Image name="tex_default_text_field" src="Images\tex_default_text_field.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_text_focus" src="Images\tex_default_text_focus.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_text_field_focus" src="Images\tex_default_text_field_focus.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_progress_base" src="Images\tex_default_progress_base.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_progress_base_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_progress_base_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_progress_slider" src="Images\tex_default_progress_slider.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_base" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_base.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_base_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_base_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_slider" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_slider.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_arrow_up" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_arrow_up.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_arrow_up_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_arrow_up_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_arrow_down" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_arrow_down.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_scroll_arrow_down_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_scroll_arrow_down_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_spin_arrow_up" src="Images\tex_default_spin_arrow_up.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_spin_arrow_up_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_spin_arrow_up_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_spin_arrow_down" src="Images\tex_default_spin_arrow_down.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_spin_arrow_down_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_spin_arrow_down_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_check" src="Images\tex_default_check.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_check_shadow" src="Images\tex_default_check_shadow.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_lvmeter_on" src="Images\tex_default_lvmeter_on.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_lvmeter_off" src="Images\tex_default_lvmeter_off.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_lvmeter_focus" src="Images\tex_default_lvmeter_focus.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
<Image name="tex_default_lvmeter_bg" src="Images\tex_default_lvmeter_bg.png" format="gim" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
[[Rcomage]] has some problems with this attribute from PS3 RCOs, it manages the value as 4 bytes length but in the internal RCO file structure is divided in 2 chunks of 2 bytes each. The anchor mode is specifyed by the first byte of the second chunk, is unknown why sony "reserved" 2 bytes for the first chunk (first chunk is always filled with zeroes). All this is a bit confusing and what im saying could not be completly accurate because the different endianess in between PSP and PS3 and what RCOmage does internally. RCOmage allows to choose a "data type" for every attribute by editing the file objectattribdef-ps3.ini. There is no way to extract the value accuratelly so the alternatives are to set it as "int", or you can set it to "unk" instead, this way it will be managed as raw data (no conversion applyed so you can see the real value when the info is extracted to XML)
**Extracted as "int"
**Extracted as "unk"
=Events notes=
*All the attribute event names in rcomage and here in wiki contains the characters '''On''' before the event name to indicate that is an event (it helps when you are reading the xml code generated by rcomage), and because some official event strings found in OFW uses it too, but the real codenames of the events doesnt seems to have that '''On''' (the real codename is what goes at the right of the "On"). As example: the vsh export ''paf::PhWidget::HandleFocusInEvent(paf::PhEvent *)'' is related with the attribute '''OnFocusIn''' ...and...  ''paf::PhWidget::HandleFocusOutEvent(paf::PhEvent *)'' with '''OnFocusOut'''
*'''OnScrollIn''' and '''OnScrollOut''' are used in the "list" objects, the "In" and "Out" represents to move the cursor one item in the "list". The confusing detail is the "lists" can be horizontal (along X axis) or vertical (along Y axis). So it seems in a horizontal list (such the main XmBar) the "In/Out" are "Right/Left", and in a vertical list the "In/Out" should be "Down/Up" (this is just a theory based on the existence of vsh exports: ''paf::PhXmBar::ScrollRight(float, paf::PhEvent *)'' ...and... ''paf::PhXmBar::ScrollLeft(float, paf::PhEvent *)'', but has not been verifyed)
=Links, etc...=
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