Editing Graphic Image Map (GIM)

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'''G'''raphic '''I'''mage '''M'''ap ? ('''GIM''') is an image format that allows for lot of different settings that results in lot of different GIM files that are structurally different, strictly speaking the GIM format is always the same, but generally speaking it can be said that this different GIM files are "GIM formats", the amount of GIM formats supported by PlayStation consoles is limited though (restricted by the graphic enviroment, libraries, etc...). GIM files was found in PSP and PS3 firmwares inside [[Resource Container (RCO)]] files, [[PlayStation 3 Theme (P3T)]] files, etc... See [[GimConv]] and [[Multimedia Formats and Tools#GIM]]
'''G'''raphic '''I'''mage '''M'''ap ? ('''GIM''') is an image format, allows for tenths of different storage settings and by combining settings results in hundreds (or thousands) of different GIM files that are structurally different, to simplify concepts people is naming this different GIM files as "GIM formats" but strictly speaking the GIM format is always the same, the amount of GIM formats used in PlayStation consoles is limited though (restricted by the graphic enviroment, libraries, etc...). GIM files was found used in PSP and PS3 firmwares inside [[Resource Container (RCO)]] files, [[PlayStation 3 Theme (P3T)]] files, etc... See also [[Multimedia Formats and Tools#GIM]

The meaning of the "GIM" acronym used in this wiki ('''G'''raphic '''I'''mage '''M'''ap) is an speculative unnofficial name based in how the data is stored in the internal GIM structure, if someone finds the official codename please report back and we will change it<!-- no luck on facebook https://www.facebook.com/hhhhhyuk? -->
The acronym of GIM used in this wiki ('''G'''raphic '''I'''mage '''M'''ap) is an speculative unnofficial name based in how the data is stored in the internal GIM structure, if someone finds the official codename somewhere please report back and we will change it <!-- no luck on facebook https://www.facebook.com/hhhhhyuk? -->
*Overview (4 unknown values left, marked in intense red)
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000  <span style="background:#000000; color:#ffffff;">2E 47 49 4D</span> <span style="background:#000000; color:#ffffff;">31 2E 30 30</span> <span style="background:#000000; color:#ffffff;">00 50 53 50</span> <span style="background:#000000; color:#ffffff;">00 00 00 00</span>  .GIM1.00.PSP....    <- GIM header
00000010  <span style="background:#ff8c1a; color:#ffffff;">00 02</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#ffcc00;">00 00 00 EC</span> <span style="background:#ffff00;">00 00 00 10</span> <span style="background:#ffffb3;">00 00 00 10</span>  .......ì........    <- Block 0x02 header (Root)
00000020  <span style="background:#ff8c1a; color:#ffffff;">00 03</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#ffcc00;">00 00 00 80</span> <span style="background:#ffff00;">00 00 00 10</span> <span style="background:#ffffb3;">00 00 00 10</span>  .......€........        <- Block 0x03 header (Picture)
00000030  <span style="background:#ff8c1a; color:#ffffff;">00 04</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#ffcc00;">00 00 00 70</span> <span style="background:#ffff00;">00 00 00 70</span> <span style="background:#ffffb3;">00 00 00 10</span>  .......p...p....          <- Block 0x04 header (Image)
00000040  <span style="background:#11bbee;">00 30</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#240B7B; color:#ffffff;">00 03</span> <span style="background:#3212A3; color:#ffffff;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#6144c7;">00 04</span> <span style="background:#6144c7;">00 02</span> <span style="background:#826ad5;">00 20</span> <span style="background:#b49aed;">00 10</span>  .0........... ..              <- Block 0x04 Data
00000050  <span style="background:#b49aed;">00 01</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 02</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00 00 00</span> <span style="background:#CA2691;">00 00 00 30</span> <span style="background:#CA2691;">00 00 00 40</span>  ...........0...@              <- Block 0x04 Data
00000060  <span style="background:#CA2691;">00 00 00 60</span> <span style="background:#009933;">00 00 00 00</span> <span style="background:#33cc33; color:#ffffff;">00 01</span> <span style="background:#33cc33;">00 01</span> <span style="background:#4dff4d; color:#ffffff;">00 03</span> <span style="background:#4dff4d;">00 01</span>  ...`............              <- Block 0x04 Data
00000070  <span style="background:#555555; color:#ffffff;">00 00 00 40</span> <span style="background:#D3D3D3;">00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00</span>  ...@............              <- Block 0x04 Index
00000080  <span style="background:#CA5E24;">CA 5E 11 00 CA 5E 12 00 CA 5E 13 00 CA 5E 14 00</span>  Ê^..Ê^..Ê^..Ê^..                <- Block 0x04 Frame
00000090  <span style="background:#CA5E24;">CA 5E 21 00 CA 5E 22 00 CA 5E 23 00 CA 5E 24 00</span>  Ê^!.Ê^".Ê^#.Ê^$.                <- Block 0x04 Frame
000000A0  <span style="background:#ff8c1a; color:#ffffff;">00 FF</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#ffcc00;">00 00 00 5C</span> <span style="background:#ffff00;">00 00 00 5C</span> <span style="background:#ffffb3;">00 00 00 10</span>  .ÿ.....\...\....        <- Block 0xFF header (Fileinfo)
000000B0  <span style="background:#ccaa88;">34 78 32 5F 43 41 35 45 78 79 5F 33 32 62 69 74</span>  4x2_CA5Exy_32bit          <- Block 0xFF Strings
000000C0  <span style="background:#ccaa88;">73 2E 62 6D 70 00</span> <span style="background:#ddbb99;">41 64 6D 69 6E 69 73 74 72 61</span>  s.bmp.Administra          <- Block 0xFF Strings
000000D0  <span style="background:#ddbb99;">74 6F 72 00</span> <span style="background:#eeccaa;">53 75 6E 20 41 70 72 20 31 35 20 30</span>  tor.Sun Apr 15 0          <- Block 0xFF Strings
000000E0  <span style="background:#eeccaa;">31 3A 32 35 3A 30 32 20 32 30 31 38 00</span> <span style="background:#ffddbb;">47 69 6D</span>  1:25:02 2018.Gim          <- Block 0xFF Strings
000000F0  <span style="background:#ffddbb;">43 6F 6E 76 20 31 2E 32 30 68 00</span> <span style="background:#D3D3D3;">00</span>              Conv 1.20h..              <- Block 0xFF Strings
==GIM header==
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
! Offset !! Length !! Example !! Name !! Description !! Notes
| 0x00 || 0x04 || .GIM || {{cellcolors|#000000|#ffffff}} '''signature''' || little = MIG.<br>big = .GIM || This is the first place affected by '''format_endian''' in [[GimConv]].cfg
| 0x04 || 0x04 || 1.00 || {{cellcolors|#000000|#ffffff}} '''version''' ||  || Always 1.00 ?
| 0x08 || 0x04 || PSP || {{cellcolors|#000000|#ffffff}} '''format_style''' || std = nothing<br>ps3 = nothing<br>psp = PSP || Configured by '''format_style''' in [[GimConv]].cfg
| 0x0C || 0x04 || 00 00 00 00 || {{cellcolors|#000000|#ffffff}} ''padding/unused'' ? || Unknown || Always 0 ?
==Block headers (generic)==
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
! Offset !! Length !! Example !! Name !! Description !! Notes
| 0x00 || 0x02 || 00 02 || {{cellcolors|#ff8c1a|#ffffff}} '''block_id''' || 0x02 = Root (first level)<br>0x03 = Picture (second level)<br>0x04 = Image (third level)<br>0x05 = Palette (third level)<br>0xFF = Fileinfo (second level) || Block identifyer
| 0x02 || 0x02 || 00 00 || {{cellcolors|#FF4444}} <abbr title="block header unknown">''block_unk''</abbr> || 0x00 = ?<br>0x10 = ? || <abbr title="Filling this area with 0xFF doesnt causes any change">Unknown</abbr>
| 0x04 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 EC || {{cellcolors|#ffcc00}} '''block_size''' || Size of this block + children blocks ||
| 0x08 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 10 || {{cellcolors|#ffff00}} '''block_header_next''' || Next block relative offset ||
| 0x0C || 0x04 || 00 00 00 10 || {{cellcolors|#ffffb3}} '''block_data_offset''' || Block data relative offset ||
==Block data (by block ID)==
===0x02 (Root)===
Is the parent of block 0x03 (Picture) and 0x0FF (Fileinfo)
===0x03 (Picture)===
Is the parent of block 0x04 (Image) and block 0x05 (Palette)
*Experimental notes
**This block is repeated when using the option '''merge_mode''' = picture
===0x04 (Image)===
The image block contains some info about the image, and the pixel color info at bottom stored as '''levels''' or '''frames'''
*Experimental notes
**This block is repeated when using the option '''merge_mode''' = image
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000040  <span style="background:#11bbee;">00 30</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#240B7B; color:#ffffff;">00 03</span> <span style="background:#3212A3; color:#ffffff;">00 00</span> <span style="background:#6144c7;">00 04</span> <span style="background:#6144c7;">00 02</span> <span style="background:#826ad5;">00 20</span> <span style="background:#b49aed;">00 10</span>  .0........... ..
00000050  <span style="background:#b49aed;">00 01</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 02</span> <span style="background:#FF4444;">00 00 00 00</span> <span style="background:#CA2691;">00 00 00 30</span> <span style="background:#CA2691;">00 00 00 40</span>  ...........0...@
00000060  <span style="background:#CA2691;">00 00 00 60</span> <span style="background:#009933;">00 00 00 00</span> <span style="background:#33cc33; color:#ffffff;">00 01</span> <span style="background:#33cc33;">00 01</span> <span style="background:#4dff4d; color:#ffffff;">00 03</span> <span style="background:#4dff4d;">00 01</span>  ...`............
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
! Offset !! Length !! Example !! Name !! Description !! Notes
| 0x00 || 0x02 || 00 30 || {{cellcolors|#11bbee}} '''block_data_lenght''' || Size of the block data|| Indicates the relative offset of the area located inmediatly after '''frame_count'''<!--modifying this value some bytes up or down "mutilates" the user_data/index areas in a GIM to GIS conversion-->
| 0x02 || 0x02 || 00 00 || {{cellcolors|#FF4444}} <abbr title="block 0x04 and 0x05 unknown 1">''b45_unk1''</abbr> || ? || <abbr title="Filling this area with 0xFF doesnt causes any change">Ignored ?</abbr>
| 0x04 || 0x02 || 00 03 || {{cellcolors|#240B7B|#ffffff}} '''image_format''' || {{cellcolors|lightgrey}} 0x00 = rgba5650 (16 bit no alpha)<br>0x01 = rgba5551 (16 bit sharp alpha)<br>0x02 = rgba4444 (16 bit gradient alpha)<br>0x03 = rgba8888 (32 bit gradient alpha)<br>0x04 = index4 (16 colors)<br>0x05 = index8 (256 colors)<br>0x06 = index16 (16 colors with alpha ?)<br>0x07 = index32 (256 colors with alpha ?)<br>0x08 = dxt1 (no alpha)<br>0x09 = dxt3 (sharp alpha)<br>0x0A = dxt5 (gradient alpha)<br>0x108 = dxt1ext<br>0x109 = dxt3ext<br>0x10A = dxt5ext || Configured by '''image_format''' in [[GimConv]].cfg<br>'''Format''' in the GIS
| 0x06 || 0x02 || 00 00 || {{cellcolors|#3212A3|#ffffff}} '''pixel_order''' || {{cellcolors|lightgrey}} 0x00 = normal<br>0x01 = faster || Configured by '''pixel_order''' in [[GimConv]].cfg with values: normal (default) or faster<br>'''Order''' in the GIS with values: NORMAL or PSPIMAGE
| 0x08 || 0x02 || 00 04 || {{cellcolors|#6144c7}} '''width''' || Image/palette width in pixels || Restricted by '''limit_image_width''' in [[GimConv]].cfg<br>'''Width''' in the GIS
| 0x0A || 0x02 || 00 02 || {{cellcolors|#6144c7}} '''height''' || Image/palette height in pixels || Restricted by '''limit_image_height''' in [[GimConv]].cfg<br>'''Height''' in the GIS
| 0x0C || 0x02 || 00 20 || {{cellcolors|#826ad5}} '''bpp_align''' || Image/palette <abbr title="RSX memory alignment ?. This value is used to navigate the GIM structure, doesnt represents the color depth of the image, for indexed colors is used as a counter to know how many color ID there are in the palette">alignment BPP</abbr> ||
| 0x0E || 0x02 || 00 10 || {{cellcolors|#b49aed}} '''pitch_align''' || Image/palette <abbr title="RSX memory alignment ?">alignment X</abbr> || '''PitchAlign''' in the GIS
| 0x10 || 0x02 || 00 01 || {{cellcolors|#b49aed}} '''height_align''' || Image/palette <abbr title="RSX memory alignment ?">alignment Y</abbr> || '''HeightAlign''' in the GIS
| 0x12 || 0x02 || 00 02 || {{cellcolors|#FF4444}} <abbr title="block 0x04 and 0x05 unknown 2">''b45_unk2''</abbr> || ? || <abbr title="Filling this area with 0xFF doesnt causes any change">Ignored ?</abbr>
| 0x14 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 00 || {{cellcolors|#FF4444}} <abbr title="block 0x04 and 0x05 unknown 3">''b45_unk3''</abbr> || ? || <abbr title="Filling this area with 0xFF doesnt causes any change">Ignored ?</abbr>
| 0x18 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 30 || {{cellcolors|#CA2691}} '''index_start''' || Index relative start offset ||
| 0x1C || 0x04 || 00 00 00 40 || {{cellcolors|#CA2691}} '''pixels_start''' || First plane/level/frame relative start offset ||
| 0x20 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 60 || {{cellcolors|#CA2691}} '''pixels_end''' || Last plane/level/frame relative end offset ||
| colspan="6" {{cellcolors|lightgrey}}
| 0x24 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 00 || {{cellcolors|#009933}} '''plane_mask''' || Indicates a color (for alpha mask ?) || '''PlaneMask''' in the GIS
| 0x28 || 0x02 || 00 01 || {{cellcolors|#33cc33|#ffffff}} '''level_type''' || {{cellcolors|lightgrey}} 0x00 = Illegal<br>0x01 = MIPMAP<br>0x02 = MIPMAP2 (used for palettes) || '''LevelType''' in the GIS
| 0x2A || 0x02 || 00 01 || {{cellcolors|#33cc33}} '''level_count''' || Number of mipmaps || Restricted by '''limit_level_count''' in [[GimConv]].cfg (default max 8)<br>'''LevelCount''' in the GIS
| 0x2C || 0x02 || 00 03 || {{cellcolors|#4dff4d|#ffffff}} '''frame_type''' || {{cellcolors|lightgrey}} 0x00 = Illegal ?<br>0x01 = Illegal ?<br>0x02 = Illegal ?<br>0x03 = SEQUENCE || '''FrameType''' in the GIS
| 0x2E || 0x02 || 00 01 || {{cellcolors|#4dff4d}} '''frame_count''' || Number of frames || Restricted by '''limit_frame_count''' in [[GimConv]].cfg (default no limit)<br>'''FrameCount''' in the GIS
| colspan="6" {{cellcolors|lightgrey}}
| 0x30 || <abbr title="max lenght not verifyed">''any''</abbr> || {{cellcolors|lightgrey|#000000|center}} ''N/A'' || {{cellcolors|#aa8866}} '''user_data''' || Optional User Data area || Enabled by '''update_userdata = on''' in [[GimConv]].cfg. Stores the contents of '''<filename>.dat'''
| <abbr title="block_data_leght + user_data length">''varies''</abbr> || <abbr title="0 up to 3">''varies''</abbr> || {{cellcolors|lightgrey|#000000|center}} ''N/A'' || {{cellcolors|#D3D3D3}} ''padding''  || Optional padding || To align '''user_data''' to 4 bytes
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000070  <span style="background:#555555; color:#ffffff;">00 00 00 40</span> <span style="background:#D3D3D3;">00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00</span>  ...@............
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
! Offset !! Length !! Example !! Name !! Description !! Notes
| 0x30 || 0x04 || 00 00 00 40 || {{cellcolors|#555555|#ffffff}} '''frame_n_offset''' || Where <n> is the frame number || This entry is repeated one time for every '''level_count''' or '''frame_count'''
| <abbr title="block data size + userdata size + userdata padding + (index n entries * 4)">0x34</abbr> || <abbr title="0 up to 0x0C">0x0C</abbr> || <abbr title="00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00">00 00 00 ...</abbr> || {{cellcolors|#D3D3D3}} ''padding''  || Optional padding || To align the block to 16 bytes
After this index comes the planes/levels/frames (the bytes with pixels color info), are one or several images concatenated, for experimental purposes can be added manually by using [[GimConv]].cfg setting '''merge_mode''' with values '''frame''' and '''level''', and probably '''plane''' too, see {{talk}} page
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000080  <span style="background:#CA5E24;">CA 5E 11 00 CA 5E 12 00 CA 5E 13 00 CA 5E 14 00</span>  Ê^..Ê^..Ê^..Ê^..
00000090  <span style="background:#CA5E24;">CA 5E 21 00 CA 5E 22 00 CA 5E 23 00 CA 5E 24 00</span>  Ê^!.Ê^".Ê^#.Ê^$.
===0x05 (Palette)===
The palette block is used for [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indexed_color indexed color] formats (index4 index8 index16 index32), to create a GIM with a palette is needed to use as input an image that already contains a color palette (such BMP or DDS)
The concept of "palette" is a bit confusing because here is used for two different things, the block 0x05 is codenamed palette as a general concept, the file structure is the same than the block 0x04 (image), both ends with the '''user_data''' (optional), then it comes an '''index''' to indicate how many palettes there are and its offsets (usually only one palette), and then starts an area where are stored the pixel colors... this area to store pixel colors is the real palette in design slang but to avoid this name confussion we can call it the '''colormap'''
*The differences in between block 0x04 (image) and block 0x05 (palette) are minor, only differs in how are used
**The palette (block 0x05) is located before the image (block 0x04) in the block hierarchy of the GIM structure, doesnt seems to be anything that connects them, other than the fact that "the palette goes first"
**The palette stores the "colormap", and the image stores an "indexmap" (and every index value in the image loads a color from the palette colormap)
**The palette only allows for '''palette_format''' = rgba8888 rgba4444 rgba5551 rgba5650
**The "colormap" is stored as an image of 256x1 pixels ('''image_width''' = 0x100 '''image_height''' = 0x1) and allows to store 256 colors
**The "colormap" has a reserved bytes size in the GIM file structure based on the palette format, 0x400 bytes in rgba8888, 0x200 in rgba4444, etc...), if the number of colors is smaller than 256 the "colormap" area will have some bytes filled with zeroes (not used)
**The palette is stored as '''level_type''' = MIPMAP2
===0xFF (Fileinfo)===
This block only exists if the GIM is build using the setting '''update_fileinfo = on'''. Initially in old PS3 firmwares all the GIM files was made this way, eventually sony stopped using this setting and GIM files was updated/replaced by new ones without this fileinfo block. But there are many GIM files inside latest PS3 firmware that contains this fileinfo block (are GIM files made years ago and never was updated, this can be seen in the timestamps stored in them around 2005/2006)
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
000000B0  <span style="background:#ccaa88;">34 78 32 5F 43 41 35 45 78 79 5F 33 32 62 69 74</span>  4x2_CA5Exy_32bit
000000C0  <span style="background:#ccaa88;">73 2E 62 6D 70 00</span> <span style="background:#ddbb99;">41 64 6D 69 6E 69 73 74 72 61</span>  s.bmp.Administra
000000D0  <span style="background:#ddbb99;">74 6F 72 00</span> <span style="background:#eeccaa;">53 75 6E 20 41 70 72 20 31 35 20 30</span>  tor.Sun Apr 15 0
000000E0  <span style="background:#eeccaa;">31 3A 32 35 3A 30 32 20 32 30 31 38 00</span> <span style="background:#ffddbb;">47 69 6D</span>  1:25:02 2018.Gim
000000F0  <span style="background:#ffddbb;">43 6F 6E 76 20 31 2E 32 30 68 00</span> <span style="background:#D3D3D3;">00</span>              Conv 1.20h..
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
! Offset !! Length !! Example !! Name !! Description !! Notes
| 0x00 || 0x16 || 4x2_CA5Exy_32bits.bmp || {{cellcolors|#ccaa88}} '''project_name''' || Original file name and file extension || '''ProjectName''' in the GIS
| 0x16 || 0x0E || Administrator || {{cellcolors|#ddbb99}} '''user_name''' || Microsoft windows user account || '''UserName''' in the GIS
| 0x24 || 0x19 || Sun Apr 15 01:25:02 2018 || {{cellcolors|#eeccaa}} '''saved_date''' || Timestamp || '''SavedDate''' in the GIS
| 0x3D || 0x0E || GimConv 1.20h || {{cellcolors|#ffddbb}} '''originator''' || GimConv version || '''Originator''' in the GIS
| 0x4B || <abbr title="0 up to 3">0x01</abbr> || 00 || {{cellcolors|#D3D3D3}} ''padding'' || Optional padding || To align '''fileinfo''' block to 4 bytes

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