In computing, ioctl (an abbreviation of input/output control) is a system call for device-specific input/output operations and other operations which cannot be expressed by regular file semantics. It takes a parameter specifying a request code; the effect of a call depends completely on the request code. Request codes are often device-specific. For instance, a CD-ROM device driver which can instruct a physical device to eject a disc would provide an ioctl request code to do so. Device-independent request codes are sometimes used to give usermode access to kernel functions which are only used by core system software or still under development.
See also wikipedia page about IOCTL.
See also PS4 IOCTLs.
List of IOCTL by kernel device[edit | edit source]
The list of IOCTL is documented in the PS5 Devices page (to fusion).
PUP Related[edit | edit source]
0x20004407 UpdateSnvs 0x40047400 updaterGetWlanDeviceId 0xC001440F GetXtsKeyNum 0xC0104401 VerifyBlsHeader 0xC0104408 genChallenge 0xC010440E UpdateFloydFw 0xC010440C IdentifyNandController 0xC0104410 verifyResponse 0xC0184402 DecryptPupHeader 0xC0184403 VerifyPupAdditionalSign 0xC0184404 VerifyPupWatermark 0xC0184405 DecryptPupSegment 0xC018440A ReadNandGroup 0xC018440B WriteNandGroup 0xC0284406 DecryptPupSegmentBlock
TEE Related[edit | edit source]
typedef enum TEE_IOCTLS { TEE_IOC_VERSION=0x400cb400, TEE_IOC_DLM_STOP_TA_DEBUG=0x8008b40b, TEE_IOC_CLOSE_SESSION=0xc004b405, TEE_SHMEM_RELEASE=0xc004b40e, TEE_SET_TIMEOUT=0xc004b40f, TEE_IOC_CANCEL=0xc008b404, TEE_IOC_OPEN_SESSION=0xc010b402, TEE_IOC_INVOKE=0xc010b403, TEE_IOC_DLM_GET_DEBUG_TOKEN=0xc010b408, TEE_SHMEM_MAP_SETNAME=0xc020b40d, // not sure if map or if set shm name TEE_IOC_DLM_START_TA_DEBUG=0xc028b409, TEE_IOC_INIT_ASD=0xc038b40c, TEE_IOC_DLM_FETCH_DEBUG_STRING=0xc110b40a } TEE_IOCTLS;
Manufacturing Mode Related[edit | edit source]
sceSblManuAuthSetManuModeInternal: 0xc0184d0a sceSblManuAuthSetManuMode: 0xc0184d03 sceSblManuAuthUnloadSecureModule: 0x40184d02 sceSblManuAuthLoadSecureModule: 0x40184d01
Uncategorized[edit | edit source]
_sceSblDriveauthSmGetPairingNonce: 0xc028530a _sceSblDriveauthSmGetPairingRequest: 0xc028530b _sceSblDriveauthSmSetPairingInfo: 0xc028530c _sceSblDriveauthSmSetHostKey: 0xc028530d _sceSblDriveauthSmRemoveDiscKey: 0xc028530e sceSblDriveauthGetCprmDeviceKey: 0xc0205365 sceSblDriveauthGetAacsDeviceKey: 0xc0205364 icc_fan_change_servo_pattern: 0x80018f0a icc_fan_get_fan_manual_duty: 0xc0068f06 verifyDecryptRnpsBundle: 0xc0105203 devActInitStatus: 0x40144401 sceSblDevActGetId: 0x40184402 devActGenRequest: 0x4030440b gc_reset: 0x8004b201 fftrm read sector: 0xc0185301 fftrm write sector: 0xc0185302 fftrm read idu flag: 0xc0185303 fftrm write idu flag: 0xc0185304