4.80 CEX

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Revision as of 23:15, 10 October 2016 by Sandungas (talk | contribs)
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Released: 20 April 2016

Changes[edit | edit source]

Fixed the removal of Facebook Support

Users now have the option to use 2-step authenticationfor PSN accounts.

Changed files compared to 4.78 CEX[edit | edit source]

CORE OS[edit | edit source]

* emer_init.self
* lv0
* lv1.self
* lv2_kernel.self

dev_flash[edit | edit source]


* bdp_BDMV.self
* bdp_BDVD.self


* ps1_emu.self
* ps1_netemu.self
* ps1_newemu.self


* ps2_emu.self


* psp_emulator.self
* psp_translator.self


* PEmuCoreLib.sprx


* libadec.sprx
* libadec2.sprx
* libadec_internal.sprx
* libfiber.sprx
* libfont.sprx
* libfontFT.sprx
* libfreetype.sprx
* libfreetypeTT.sprx
* libhttp.sprx
* liblv2coredump.sprx
* libmedi.sprx
* libmp4.sprx
* libsail.sprx
* libsail_rec.sprx
* libspurs_jq.sprx
* libsre.sprx
* libssl.sprx
* libsync2.sprx
* libsysutil_np.sprx
* libsysutil_np2.sprx
* libsysutil_np_commerce2.sprx
* libvdec.sprx


* sys_audio.self
* sys_init_osd.self


* audioplayer_plugin_mini.sprx
* autodownload_plugin.sprx
* autoupdateconf_plugin.sprx
* avc2_text_plugin.sprx
* basic_plugins.sprx
* campaign_plugin.sprx
* closedcaption_config_plugin.sprx
* download_plugin.sprx
* esehttp.sprx
* eula_net_plugin.sprx
* explore_category_friend.sprx
* explore_category_game.sprx
* explore_category_music.sprx
* explore_category_network.sprx
* explore_category_photo.sprx
* explore_category_psn.sprx
* explore_category_sysconf.sprx
* explore_category_tv.sprx
* explore_category_user.sprx
* explore_category_video.sprx
* explore_plugin.sprx
* explore_plugin_np.sprx
* friendim_plugin.sprx
* friendml_plugin.sprx
* friendtrophy_plugin.sprx
* game_ext_plugin.sprx
* hknw_plugin.sprx
* libvideoSubsystem.sprx
* msmw2.sprx
* mtpinitiator_plugin.sprx
* nas_plugin.sprx
* netconf_plugin.sprx
* newstore_plugin.sprx
* np_multisignin_plugin.sprx
* np_oauth.sprx
* np_sns_plugin.sprx
* npsignin_plugin.sprx
* photo_network_sharing_plugin.sprx
* podl_plugin.sprx
* premo_game_plugin.sprx
* premo_plugin.sprx
* profile_plugin.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin.sprx
* rec_plugin.sprx
* regcam_plugin.sprx
* remotedownload_plugin.sprx
* sacd_plugin.sprx
* sysconf_plugin.sprx
* videoeditor_plugin.sprx
* videoplayer_plugin.sprx
* vsh.self
* x3_mdimp7.sprx
* xmb_ingame.sprx

Download[edit | edit source]

PUP hashes[edit | edit source]

4.80 RETAIL/CEX | MD5: 2C7AC82E02DB9CE396618E6644A8C52D | SHA1: E304C33171168350BDB8420D96CCA97EBEE1A39E | CRC32: A28801D2

PUP Information[edit | edit source]

CoreOS Filehashes[edit | edit source]