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Cell SSL errors (libssl)[edit source]

Name Errorcode Remarks
CELL_SSL_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x80740001 libssl has not yet been initialized. Please initialize before use.
CELL_SSL_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 0x80740002 libssl has already been initialized and cannot be initialized again
CELL_SSL_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED 0x80740003 Initialization of the communication part of libssl failed
CELL_SSL_ERROR_NO_BUFFER 0x80740004 No buffer was provided in one of the parameters
CELL_SSL_ERROR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE 0x80740005 The pointer to the SSL Certificate provided is invalid
CELL_SSL_ERROR_UNRETRIEVABLE 0x80740006 Failed to get the requested information
CELL_SSL_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT 0x80740007 The format of the SSL Certificate is invalid
CELL_SSL_ERROR_NOT_FOUND 0x80740008 The requested information was not found in the SSL Certificate
CELL_SSL_ERROR_INVALID_TIME 0x80740031 Invalid time element in the SSL Certificate
CELL_SSL_ERROR_INAVLID_NEGATIVE_TIME 0x80740032 Invalid time element with negative values in the SSL Certificate
CELL_SSL_ERROR_INCORRECT_TIME 0x80740033 Value in the time element for the SSL Certificate is incorrect
CELL_SSL_ERROR_UNDEFINED_TIME_TYPE 0x80740034 Type in the time element for the SSL Certificate is not defined correctly
CELL_SSL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY 0x80740035 Call to allocate memory failed (returns NULL)
CELL_SSL_ERROR_NO_STRING 0x80740036 No string to read has been provided (as a parameter)
CELL_SSL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LOAD_CERT 0x80740037 Unknown certificate load flag