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Project Link: FreeDVDBoot

PlayStation 2 DVD Player Exploit created by Cturt. This allows you to burn your own PlayStation 2 homebrew discs and play them on an unmodified console as seen in the demo video. With uLaunchELF as the initial program, users can include multiple homebrew programs on the same disc.

For technical details please refer to CTurt's blog post.

Easy setup for all PS2 Slim consoles / Bravia TV

All you need is:

A compatible console (all PS2 Slim / Sony Bravia TV units are supported), A DVD (not a CD), preferably a DVD-R as other types such as DVD+RW put more strain on the PS2 laser, A computer with a built-in disc burner / external USB disc burner,

see FreeDVDBoot Compatibility List for all supported SKU Models

Step 1: Download the ISO

Download PREBUILT ISOs/All PS2 Slims - English language.iso

Step 2: Burn the ISO

Please check following to ensure a good burn which the PS2 will be able to read:

  • Clean off any dust from the disc,
  • Select lowest burning speed option,
  • Select finalise disc option,

Step 3: Set console language to English

Your console must be set to English language for the exploit to work (other languages cause memory contents to change).

To do this, boot without a disc inserted, press Circle to enter System Configuration and set your system language to English.

Step 4: Boot!

Insert the disc into your console, and wait. It should boot into uLaunchELF within a few seconds.

From uLaunchELF, you have the ability to run any homebrew you want over USB mass storage! Many people choose to run FreeMCBoot or Fortuna installer, as they find booting from a memory card more convenient.

If you want to add additional homebrew to your DVD / replace uLaunchELF, please read from Custom disc setup.